Hello there!

I'm Luis Carlos (Kbozz) Botero, a passionate game developer who loves to imagine, design and code game-focused applications.

I have different kind of experiences into the development world, being my primary skill sets the gameplay programming in C# and C++ for Unity and Unreal Engine.

My knowledge is also rooted in the use of Visual Scripting, Lua, Java and Python.

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I have worked on different types of projects, mostly focused on the use of different kind of tools, skills and strategies for the creation of algorithms in Unity and Unreal Engine. I would like to share here with you some of those projects where I have worked on so you can know in detail what I have done and how I achieved the development goals.


Bullet Force is a cross-platform multiplayer game available for Android, iOS and WebGL. It has over 18 million downloads (on each of its platforms) and has hundreds of thousands of active users per day.

This is an amazing multiplayer FPS game with great 3D graphics, it was one of the pioneering FPS games for mobile with its release in 2016. You have the ability to purchase weapons and extensions such as deadly machine gunners and RPGs. Not to mention the incredible abilities that can be used after getting killing streaks. Show off your skills and become the Bullet Force champion!


  • Creating a game flow for very first time users.
  • Refactoring and creating new steps for the tutorial.
  • Creation of the MVP screen (refactoring the endgame that the game had at the time).
  • Use of Photon Pun 2 services for multiplayer.
  • Use of server-backend for storing player information through json and xml files.
  • Server-client communication through apis services.

  • Creation and implementation of the whole system of 'Daily Login Reward' a system that rewards the player with in-game rewards if he enters the game every day, being this difficult to modify because it uses calls to the cloud to get weather information and using a system of anticheat to not be able to modify locally the rewards added.

  • Use of in-game data analytics, in this case Flurry Events.
  • Update of new offers for skins and client-company communication for in-game microtransactions.
  • Implementation and use of ads in both mobile and WebGL. Using offerwall, crazygames ads, tapjoy, among others.
  • Robust processes for debugging the program, such as using Rider with endpoints.
  • Process of reading old code. This game was released in 2016, so there are thousands (or even millions) of lines of code to read to understand the flow of the program, this was possible thanks to the different use of software such as Rider or Visual Studio.


Forward Assault is a cross-platform online tactical first-person shooter for Android, iOS and WebGL. Become the leader of your team and get ready to take down the enemy team. High-quality graphics and fast-paced action gameplay. Assassins and terrorists on the streets, you must avoid the terrorist stain that leads the city to total destruction, enjoy incredible environments and hundreds of maps and get to become the clear winner of a battle to the death. Protect your back and try to shoot any enemy that gets in your way, and lead your team to victory!

This game has over 10 million downloads on Android and iOS. Reaching more than half a million active players.


  • Bug fixing alerted by the community.
  • Update of game skins.
  • Performance on created maps.
  • Reading of already created code base. This game was released in 2017 and has really old and often unusable code. Reading work was performed on this code in order to clean it up and create much more readable code for future developers.
  • Implementation of new features within the game.


This is an application created for the Mayor's Office of Manizales, Colombia as a simulation of a future construction. It is a virtual reality simulation where the user can make a complete tour of the Air Cable Line 3 having a tutorial, a gameflow where the player is fully guided through the steps to follow, a realistic physics system and a great performance for VR devices.


  • Performed the Level Design of the project, creating a Game Design Document and a complete Level Flow using Milanote.
  • Performed Scrum Master work.
  • Submodules implementation.
  • Drawcalls reduction for better optimization on VR.
  • Programming the entire level using dependency injections.
  • Performed level art work.
  • Implementation of debug forms such as the use of Rider, Quantum Console, Development builds, among others.
  • AppLab submission for Meta Quest stores.

Zombies UNAL

You are in a post-apocaliptic world, everything is full of zombies and you are all alone... or it seems. You must avoid all the zombies using your skills, weapons and a lot of courage to save yourself. A fully inmersive experience on the campus of the National University of Colombia in Manizales.


  • Directing the entire project, supported by a group of 10 people. Managing, analyzing and supporting all fields of videogame development (Game Design, Programming, User Interface, Level art, etc).
  • Great team working. The main goal was reached in just one week. This was possible thanks to the use of different branches into a Github repository.
  • Create and implement the animation, features and algorithm of the zombies IA, using finite state machine and direct edition of Unity's components.


Keit is a personal open source project where I created a complete scene using Java where all the loving coders can see and learn how to create (with specific documentation) all the background for videogames like animation, world creation, tile mapping, etc.

It is a Text-based videogame with top-down view completely made in Java without a specific framework. Where, inspired by the games of the 80's, the player must go through a whole map and be the hero of the world.


  • Design a system that call a couple of functions each frame that update and draw in screen using Java.
  • Use a system of animations all made by code without frameworks.
  • Map creation with tilemap system using object-oriented programming, maps made with text files.
  • Map's object collision generation with player through tile's size


Mute is a music app that allows you to arrange different combinations of musical layers and create your own orchestra!

You have to unlock different instruments from different levels and order the best combinations to reach the highest  potential.


  • Create and optimize all the algorithm for the gameplay. Using packages provided by unity for drag and drop system.
  • Time optimization, whole different scenes and whole different characters were created and played using just a couple of scripts.
  • Save player progress using dictionaries assignation depending of the name of the variable or its type.
  • UI performance, modifying parents, anchors and position depending the device's resolution.

MR Datasheets Viewer

This is a project based on the visualization of specific industrial data (in this case, solar panels) which you are able to see different kind of documentation, images about your producs, parts of a machinery, etc. and interact with them.

 You can resize and fit this to your liking. Being thus a convenient application to work with. In addition, you can download new data from your own database, making this application very useful for industry. 


  • Create the entire project since the beggining. Modifying the MRTK arquitecture, UI, Programming, etc.
  • Design a struct for data management, differentiating images and pdfs datasheets and handle them using vectors.
  • Create, design and perform a new way for building and uploading of the app into the hololens 2 without direct connection needing for its distribution.

Scape Land

Scape Land is a first person game where the imagination, speed and skills of the player will be tested by different kind of puzzles, enemies and secrets.


  • Generate the documentation for level and game design.
  • Level flow and level art design.
  • Use of blueprints with C++ background.
  • Character development using a Pawn actor in C++.
  • Created Animation Blueprints for enemies
  • Crosshair implementation and usage on gameplay
  • Collision Overlaping and Level BP for gameflow
  • Animation Retargeting (Using Epic Games Marketplace's animations and Mixamo)
  • Use of Whole Tomato Visual Assist for better performance in C++ development.

The Chosen VR

The Chosen VR is a tactical shooter which two teams must battle each other through their skills, abilities and strategies for getting the control of some specific points of the map. You should have as good potential to defend as to attack.


  • Create the entire project for version control system in Plastic SCM. Assigning some work to other developers to reach a goal point using scrum methodology for it (we used click up for this).
  • Create, design and perform the whole processes for weapon using. Shooting, reloading, sniper view, shooting animation, ammo UI count or two hand grabbing are some examples of my work.
  • Create a crosshair system friendly with the user experience. This crosshair is above all camera items and uses a placement prediction for shooting. In addition, the user can modify it; fitting, resizing or rotating as his liking.
  • Design a weapon's subsystem creating every single weapon with scriptable objects. Being easy to use for unity editors, cause just have to modify the aspect that they want to change. (Damage, recoil, cadence, animation recovery, etc).

Golden Minute Simulator

Simulation in VR developed with the Open XR interface in Unity in which a person performs an immersion on what to do in the medical work of a newborn.


  • Using a new input system.
  • Mirror interconection between server and client functional for each user with position, rotation and animation sharing.
  • Use of sockets and triggers for student's interaction with different kind of working materials.
  • Create the full animation of hands and code it.
  • Use of decals for baby's interaction.
  • Use of Joints for blankets creation.

Fischertechnick Factory

VR simulation developed with the Oculus interface in Unity in which a person makes an immersion on how to use a factory at 1 to 1 scale. Being able to interact with it and fix bugs inside it.


  • Level UI interaction.
  • Async load scene.
  • Nav mesh agent use and animation with finite state machine for the IA.
  • Shader of a laser beam for UI player's interaction.
  • Material Shading 
  • Level Flow
  • Animation creation using Blender and Unity's animator system.
  • Animation using dotween.

AR Campus UN

AR application developed in Unity with Vuforia's kit in which you can make an overview of the different places of the National University of Colombia sede Manizales through images.


  • Application performance
  • Animation made by script, using LeanTween.
  • Trigger interaction and tutorial with download distribution.
  • Target performance improving the image targets.
  • UI Interaction.

Other Projects

Avenida Lindsay

VR Project using Mirror connection where you have to go across lindsay avenue in Manizales.


Isometric view game where the user can create his own map and play it with his friends. Steam game.

Tank Netbattle

RTS Game using Mirror client-server local connection.


Augmented Reality project where the user can see different building and get information about it.

AR Solar Panels Visualization

Augmented Reality app where the user can set different models in the real space and see some descriptions about it.